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The customer has a withdrawal period of 14 days (from the receipt of articles).

In case of exchange or refund, the customer must return the item (s) nine (s) within a period of 7 days in its (their) packaging (s) of origin, intact (s), accompanied ( s) all possible accessories, instructions for use and documentation at the following address: Back2Basics sàrl, 15 rue de Grass 8378 Kleinbettingen, Luxembourg.

In the event of exercise of the right of retraction, Back2Basics sàrl is held to the refund of the sums paid by the customer, without expenses, with the exception of the expenses of return. Products returned and deemed compliant will be refunded upon receipt of returned products and at the latest within 15 days.

A photocopy of the purchase invoice must be attached.

Products opened, damaged, soiled, partially used or returned incomplete by the Customer will not be exchanged or refunded. 

In the event of an abusive return, Back2Basics sàrl reserves the right to refuse any subsequent order.

In case of error of delivery by Back2Basics sàrl (missing products, erroneous), the Customer must first contact Back2Basics sàrl. After verification by the latter, the Customer will return the products at the expense of Back2Basics sàrl who will return the good product (s) to them free of charge.

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