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Designed by sports and nutrition enthusiasts, for athletes concerned with quality and performance, NUTRI-BAY.COM is a sports nutrition products sales site dedicated to endurance sports (Running, Half Marathon, Marathon, Trail, Triathlon, Cycling, Mountain Biking, Swimming).

Our mission : fuel your efforts by offering the best products on the market and guide you in your choices, according to the sport practiced, the duration of your effort, your goals and your specific needs.

You will find energy drinks, energy bars, energy gels and other foods for support and effectively improve your performance while taking care of your body.

Discover also our range of natural products, gluten free et Organic* (from organic farming *).

Discover also our blog, information and exchange area dedicated to the practice of endurance sports. Every day, new articles, testimonials from professional and amateur athletes, nutritionists' tips, photos, competition calendar and more!

Share your performances and delusions on our page Facebook and our account Instagram 


Join us and benefit from attractive and decreasing prices, exclusive promotions but also and above all a quality service and proximity.


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