Meet Blanche Flémal, Nutri-Bay ambassador
Our ambassadors are talented!
This time it is not an ambassador, but an ambassador in the person of Blanche Flémal. Indeed, our ambassador was noticed in a Belgian press article in the newspaper L'Avenir dated February 4, 2024.
At the end of the 7 rounds of the Belgian Ardennes Marathon Series, Blanche finished 2nd elite lady in the general classification with the particularity of being the only woman to have completed all of the longest distances. It was a big goal that she set for herself and that she achieved!
His main reward? A nomination for sporting merits from Nivelles (Belgium)!
Cycling, more than a passion:
Blanche considers cycling as a way of life, beyond being her passion. Cycling, shopping, traveling, going on vacation...
The bike has taken up a considerable place in his daily life. It's rare that a day goes by without her getting on a bike. In addition to mountain biking, she also actively practices gravel but not yet in competition, although she is preparing a 115 km challenge between now and April. Our ambassador has also planned to travel the Belgian, French and Swiss roads during this year 2024!
White in 2023 is...
12 km - 488,7h 595min - 50 m elevation gain
Her fight – providing visibility to women:
An unfortunate observation: women are under-represented in mountain biking. In Belgium, there are only around twenty participating in the marathon rounds.
Blanche wants to democratize this sport and
Blanche would like to understand why so few of them practice this discipline. Her wish would be to democratize this sport by trying to inspire and make women want to get started.
“My desire is here, to put women's sport forward, that's what is super important to me. Especially over long distances.”
That's the name she decided to give to her structure, at least that's the name she uses when she talks about it. A structure which, for her, is synonymous with continuity! After spending years within Bike4Life, Blanche decided to continue to flourish on her own by remaining humble and having fun, as evidenced by the chick she had flocked to her outfit! Subsequently, it does not close the door to expanding its structure.
Her favorite products at Nutribay
- At breakfast, before each race, your essential is obviously the Sportdej from OVERSTIM'S.
His little tip: prepare it the day before and let it rest in the fridge. In the morning you feel like you're eating chocolate mousse, something to comfort you before exercise.
- During races she obviously uses gels and electrolytes. His preference is towards the brand High5. The texture of the gels is easy to assimilate and the tastes varied.
- After exercise, comfort with a protein pancake from the brand Nano Supps